Samuel and Jessica Nutter
Supporting Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea
Samuel & Jessica
about us & our roles
Sam and Jess grew up attending and serving in the youth group at their Church in Magnolia, Texas. In fact, that’s where they first met. From high school through the early stages of Sam’s career, God used people from this church to grow him up and prepare him for his current ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Participating in short-term mission trips with the youth group was one of the factors God used to prompt Jessica’s heart to consider missions long term.
After high school, Jessica went to college in Indiana to study ministry with a missional focus. Meanwhile, Sam began working with Wycliffe Bible Translators and moved to Papua New Guinea to use his skills there. In December of 2016 their paths crossed again and eventually, God asked them to join their efforts to further Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea…as a team!
Sam and Jess got married in August 2018 and moved to Papua New Guinea in August 2019
Working in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as the Auto Shop Manager, Samuel is helping with land transportation needs in PNG; facilitating translators and other workers in the field to travel to remote places and accomplish the work God has called them to do.
Jessica was most recently serving in an administrative role in the Aviation Department, now she is a stay at home mom discipling her children. She is continuing to seek additional ways to use her passions and skills to serve Bible Translation in PNG as she stays home with their 2 young kids.

Papua New Guinea
where are we off to?
Papua New Guinea is an Island located in the Pacific Ocean, just north of Australia. Half the Island is the Indonesian land of Papua, and the eastern half is Papua New Guinea.
Seasons are determined by rainfall rather than the temperature. "In most everyday contexts the most widely spoken language is Tok Pisin ('Pidgin Language'; also called Melanesian Pidgin or Neo-Melanesian), a creole combining grammatical elements of indigenous languages, some German, and, increasingly, English." (Britannica)
There are approximately 850 languages spoken in Papua New Guinea. Thankfully, a lot of work has been done and only around one third is yet to have a project started. God’s Word in a heart language is a powerful force that changes people from the inside out, Benefiting entire language communities.

About this space
a little more about what you'll find here on the site
This site is just a way to expand the communication platform while we live overseas. Newsletters are important, but so often God is working in bigger ways than we can properly convey on a single side of digital paper. This website serves as a space that houses a blog where we will be able to not only keep an archive on past and future newsletters but expound upon them in blog form.
Welcome to our little piece of the internet, click around and read how God is moving in our hearts, in Papua New Guinea, and in the lives of the Bibleless.